LR/Enfuse HDR

LR/Enfuse est un plugin pour Lightroom quasi gratuit (donationware) qui est basé sur Enfuse (open source et gratuit) et qui permet de fusionner plusieurs version d’une même photo avec des expositions différentes dans le but d’obtenir une photo ayant ombres et lumières équilibrées pour des sujets fortement contrastés.



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LR/Enfuse is a Lightroom plugin that allows you to blend multiple exposures together directly from within Lightroom by using the open source Enfuse application.

With LR/Enfuse you can:

  • Blend images of different exposures together in order to create a natural looking image with a greater dynamic range.
  • Blend a series of images where the focus point is difference in order to create an image with a greater depth of field – this is a common approach when creating a macro image.
  • Blend a series of images for night photography image stacking in order to create an image with a longer exposure than is possible with a single frame.

With LR/Enfuse, simply select the images that need blending together and choose « Blend exposures using LR/Enfuse… » from the ‘Plug-in Extras’ menu.